Lakewood Forest Fund, Inc.

Copyright 2013. Lakewood Forest Fund. All rights reserved.

Serving the Residents of Lakewood Forest - NW Houston, Cypress, Tomball

Lakewood Forest is a deed-restricted community; therefore, it is important that you are aware of the Covenants, Conditions, Restrictions along with policies in effect for the community which are listed below. Adopted policies serve as amendments to the deed restrictions of Lakewood Forest and apply to all sections of the subdivision. If you are uncertain of your section, review your settlement statement section "G" which will provide this information or visit and pull up your property address to review the legal description which will state the section.

To report a Deed Restriction violation, send an email to

The Board of Trustees for Lakewood Forest is committed to addressing deed restrictions within the subdivision in an effort to maintain a desired look and assist in keep up property values, in addition to making the neighborhood more enjoyable for residents. Deed restriction enforcement is initiated through an administrative process in accordance with Chapter 209 of the Texas Residential Property Owners Protection Act. Complaints received from residents are investigated by the Compliance Team and then appropriate action is taken.

The Fund is not in the position to mediate disputes between members of the community. Homeowners must make every attempt to work out any issues between themselves. When reasonable and respectful attempts at resolution fail between neighbors, The Fund would suggest to an owner to consider contacting independent legal counsel for advice.

Some documents are larger than others and may load slowly so please be patient.

Management Certificate
Articles of Incorporation

Certificate of Formation
Amendment to Articles of Incorporation
Second Amendment to Articles of Incorporation
Third Amendment to Articles of Incorporation
First Amendment to By-Laws
Second Amendment to By-laws 
Third Amendment to By-laws

Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (otherwise known as Deed Restrictions)


Section 1
Section 2
Section 3
Section 5A
Section 5B    
Section 5C
Section 6
Section 7
Section 8
Section 9

Section 11

Section 12

Patio Homes

Lakeview Place

Section 10


Section 14

Section 15

Section 17

Section 18

Architectural Guidelines and Community Standards
Collection Policy
Flags, Solar Panels, Roof Shingles, Rain Barrels, Religious Displays, Political Signs
Exterior Painting Policy
Garbage, Rubbish, Waste
Window and Wall AC Units
Vehicle Parking Policy
Records Production Policy
Records Retention Policy
Resale and Lender Documentation Requests
Storage of PODS
Exterior Improvements initiated without Architectural Control Committee Approval
Detached Structures

Association Documents