Lakewood Forest Fund, Inc.
Serving the Residents of Lakewood Forest - NW Houston, Cypress, Tomball
Residents who want to voluntarily join the LFCA for the fiscal year that began on September 1, 2023, and runs through August 31, 2024, can pay their dues at the time they submit payment to the Lakewood Forest Fund for the 2024 annual HOA assessment. Or, they can mail their $15 membership (payable to Lakewood Forest Civic Association) to:
Lakewood Forest Civic Association
13121 Louetta Rd
PMB #1025
Cypress, TX 77429
You may also make a payment in person at the monthly LFCA meetings. Please note that LFCA membership dues are not tax-deductible.
Payment to and membership in the LFCA has always been and continues to be completely voluntary. However, we have had a very large percentage of our residents join the LFCA and we thank you for your support over the years. Now we need you to take action to join LFCA for 2023.
The Lakewood Forest Civic Association is an independent, non-profit neighborhood association incorporated in 1985 to promote the general welfare of Lakewood Forest residents and to support civic betterment for Lakewood Forest and surrounding areas. We are run by an elected board of homeowner volunteers who contribute their time and efforts toward making Lakewood Forest a nice place to live, enjoy, and raise a family.
Your voluntary membership dues go a very long way! With it, the Civic Association does/supports the following:
Events including Breakfast with Santa, the Spring Fling Eggstravaganza, a July 4th event, Neighborhood Night Out, and the Community Garage Sale.
Projects including Military Care Packages and Student Scholarship Awards
Neighborhood improvements including Curb Number Painting
Donations to our local public schools, the Lakewood Lightning swim team, and the Lakewood Forest Garden Club
The LFCA Board of Directors thanks you for your continued support of the LFCA and your neighborhood. If you have questions or concerns, or ideas for civic betterment, please contact any one of us at our email addresses listed on the Board of Directors webpage. We welcome all ideas and volunteers!